Leslie Rawls (Chan Giac Xu)
Living the Heart Sutra:
A Path to Happiness
with Leslie Rawls
Living the Heart Sutra
Sometimes we seem to live in the Beatles’ song “I, Me, Mine”: grasping, competing, comparing, blaming, separating ourselves from others and the world. The Heart Sutra invites us to step beyond this limited view and into the beauty and expansiveness of emptiness and Interbeing.
In this mostly silent retreat, we will study and practice with the Heart Sutra’s teachings, perhaps moving beyond intellectual understanding and into realized experience of the teachings.
Activities will include silent and guided sitting meditation, group walking meditation, deep relaxation, mindful movement, small group sharing, Dharma talks, private practice interviews with Leslie, and personal practice time.
On the last day of the retreat, Leslie will offer a transmission ceremony for friends who would like to formally receive one or more of the Five Mindfulness Trainings.
This retreat is suitable for newcomers or seasoned practitioners—all are welcome!
Check in will be at 3 pm on Thursday October 23rd and the program will end by 2 pm on Sunday October 26th.
Meals will be vegetarian (including organic eggs and some organic dairy) and are generally gluten-free.
Meals include Thursday supper through Sunday lunch.
Teas, coffee & snacks will be provided throughout. Cabins (but not Cabinettes) have equipped kitchenettes if you have "special" foods you want to bring. Cabinettes have mini-fridges.

About Leslie Rawls
Dharma teacher Leslie Rawls has been a student of Thich Nhat Hanh for over thirty years.
In 1995, Thich Nhat Hanh ordained her into the Order of Interbeing, and in 2009, he gave her Lamp Transmission, authorizing her to teach in the Plum Village tradition. She is the resident Dharma teacher in the Charlotte (N.C.) Community of Mindfulness.
More information about Leslie HERE.
On the last day, Leslie will offer a ceremony to transmit the
Five Mindfulness Trainings. For more information click HERE.

Prices do not include Dana (generosity/donation) for Leslie's teachings.
For more information about lodging options click HERE.
Accommodations (lodging, meals and snacks) for this 3 night retreat range from $350 to $540, depending on the lodging selected.
Well Being Retreat Center's
Cancellation and Accommodations Policies are here.
If you have any questions about the program content or structure, please contact Leslie at leslierawls@carolina.rr.com or Barbara Carter at bcarter1063@outlook.com
If you have any questions about lodging or Well Being Retreat Center facilities, please contact:
Heather Noland:
email: registration@wellbeingfoundation.org
Cell: 941-592-88005
To register for this retreat please use the form below.
When you submit the form, you will be directed to make payment with your credit card. Your registration will be completed with your payment.
After you "Preview Your Submission," scroll again to bottom of page to "Continue to Payment."
(The Payment Screen takes a few seconds to appear.)
When processed, your payment will show as payment to Well Being Center.
Registration for Leslie Rawls October 23 - 26, 2025 Retreat