Recognize Your True Nature:
a Weekend Retreat of Exploration
June 13 - 15, 2025

Well Being Retreat Center is offering a 2-night Weekend Retreat led by Don Oakley, author of "It's Time to Wake Up Now: The Top Ten Myths that Can Hijack Spiritual Awakening," and "Empty Wisdom: The Subtle Art of Discovering What You Already Are," and by Patty Bottari, a Director of Well Being Foundation and longtime employee and student of both Adyashanti and Byron Katie.
Don has studied intensively with Adyashanti and with Eckhart Tolle and now serves on Adyashanti's Board of Directors. Samples of Don's teachings may be found on Instagram, YouTube and on TikTok.

This event will be devoted to exploring deeply into the Nature of our Existence.
"There are many spiritual practices suggested to seekers as the true path and most do have value. But, since these body/minds have limited time, energy and resources, the question really is, "what is the most efficient and direct path that is likely to produce my desired results in this lifetime?" If we can recognize our True Nature all else will follow. Our True Nature can be recognized in a moment. This retreat is structured to create the fertile ground for that discovery."
The retreat will begin with check-in on Friday afternoon June 13th and will end after lunch on Sunday June 15th. Sessions will be held in the Main Conference Building. Cost $250 per person.​

About the Retreat
This retreat is a non-denominational opportunity to explore one’s own true nature – free from the everyday distractions and busyness of our lives. The weekend will include silent sittings, guided meditations, discourses by Don Oakley and time for dialogues. All activities during the retreat are voluntary, of course, but we ask that you remain fully engaged in the spirit of the retreat during the weekend.
This weekend will be a rare opportunity to devote your attention fully to yourself. We invite you to use this opportunity to discover what is truly living this life.​
During the weekend there will be opportunities for quiet walks around our 160 acre property, sitting by the scenic Powell River which surrounds the property for 2 1/2 miles, for exploration of Nature, or simply to rest. You will be staying in one of the comfortable cabins. All event sessions will be at the Main Conference Building
Silent Sittings
Each period of silent sitting will be an opportunity to simply let everything be as it is – naturally and without effort. You may discover the awake spaciousness that is ever-present – that exists prior to (and during) any effort to control or manipulate our experience.
Well Being will provide 2 meals; supper on Friday evening upon arrival and lunch on Sunday to end the retreat. We will also provide coffee, teas and snacks during the retreat. Please plan to bring and prepare food for your other meals. All cabins have kitchenettes. Those staying in cabinettes will have access to the Conference Center's kitchen.


There is a $250 Registration Fee for this event.
This fee covers tuition, your lodging, housekeeping, Friday supper and Sunday lunch as well as drinks and snacks. You will be responsible for your remaining meals which can be prepared in the cabin kitchenettes.

We are located in Tazewell, Tennessee about an hour north of Knoxville. Click here for driving directions.
Check-in will be between 3:00 and 5:00 pm on Friday June 13th, 2025.
Orientation will take place at 5:30 pm.
Cabins will be assigned based on order of registration and you may be assigned a roommate.
Please review our Cancellation & Accommodations Policies HERE before registering.
If you have any questions, please contact Heather at:
Call or text: 941-592-8805

Please register for this event with Well Being Retreat Center using the form below:
After you have "Previewed" your Registration form, scroll again to bottom of page to "Submit" your registration. You will be directed to make payment with your credit card.​